Launch SQL Server Management Studio and connect with credentials that have been granted the 'sa' role.
Expand *Security*, right-click on *Logins* and select *New Login*.
Enter a descriptive *Login name*, select *SQL Server authentication*, and enter a secure password. On the bottom of the page select the database Chartio will be connecting to as the *Default database*.
Select the *User Mapping* tab, check the box next to the desired database, confirm that only 'public' is selected, and click *OK*.
Click the *New Query* button and select the database you are connecting to Chartio.
Paste the following query into the query window and execute. Replace "chartio_read_only" with the actual username of the user you created.
`SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON "' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '"."' + TABLE_NAME + '" TO "chartio_read_only"' FROM information_schema.tables`
Select and copy the query results into the query window.
Remove any tables or views you do not wish the "chartio_read_only user" to have access to. In this example I have removed the Invoice and InvoiceLine tables because they contain sensitive information.
`GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."Customer" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."Employee" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."Genre" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."MediaType" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."Playlist" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."PlaylistTrack" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."Track" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."Album" TO "chartio_read_only"` `GRANT SELECT ON "dbo"."Artist" TO "chartio_read_only"
Execute the query.
You can now use these credentials to connect Chartio to your database with read-only permissions on only the tables you have specified.