Sunday, May 31, 2020

Active Directory User Password Age command: Using Net User command to Display User Expiration Date

Using Net User command to Display User Expiration Date

This first method uses the net user command that is built into windows. This command is used to add, remove and make changes to user and computer accounts.
To determine when the password will expire for a single account open the command prompt and type the following command:
Net user USERNAME /domain
In the below screenshot is an example for the user mfoster.
In addition to displaying the password expires date it also provides other useful information such as password last set, when the password can be changed, if the account is active and so on.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

(Solved) error: Something went wrong and your search couldn't be completed it looks like theres a problem with your network connection Outlook 2016 - Exchange 2016

This will stop the error, but Outlook will no longer perform any online searches:
DWORD DisableServerAssistedSearch 1